Valentines Day 2011
How's your love tank? By that, I mean, how are you doing on pouring love into others? Here's a "test" based on 1 Corinthians 13.
Love is patient...Do you give in too easily?
Love is kind...Do you care more for others than yourself?
Love does not envy...Do you want what you can't have?
Love does not boast...Do you strut when you know you're right?
Love is not proud...Do you get a little over-confident?
Love does not dishonor others...Do you force your opinion onto others?
Love is not self-seeking...Do you have a "Me first!" attitude?
Love is not easily angered...Do you fly off the handle too quickly?
Love keeps no record of wrongs...Do you keep score of the sins of others?
Love does not delight in evil...Do you revel when others grovel?
Love rejoices with the truth...Do you take pleasure in having truth?
Love always protects...Do you put up with anything?
Love always trusts...Do you trust God always?
Love always hopes...Do you look for the best in others?
Love always perseveres...Do you look back or do you look ahead?
Love never fails...are you committed to the end?
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