Sunday, February 20, 2011

SOAP Bible Study Method

Here's something I've been a part of creating...Give it a try!


  1. Great method to use for anyone. It really focuses your time in the Word and helps you find the relevance of a particular passage for your own life. I have a couple of Cordeiro books on my 2012 reading list....can't wait to get started on those.

    Question: For the journaling, do you use paper/pen or some electronic method? I've used MS Office OneNote but a disadvantage is not having access at times. A small journal could travel with me.


  2. Good question Keith! About a 16 months ago, I started using a Moleskin journal and pen. I really like it. As you mentioned, I can take it anywhere and not be tied to a computer.

  3. Great Blog Dwayne, I really enjoy your posts - Jon Simone

  4. Good plan. I bought a moleskin a few months ago that I use for random thoughts/ideas. Might try that for Bible Study too. Do you use a different journal for Bible study, thoughts/ideas, goals/strategies?

  5. Thanks Jon! Just a small way for me to encourage others to use the life and circumstances to honor the Lord.

  6. Keith, I have a smaller Moleskin the I call my "Think Pad." it goes to ALL lunches, meetings at Starbucks, and conferences. I try to capture at least one idea from those events as well as any "Life Illustrations" as they occur. My other MS stays with my Bible.
